Watch now | This week Scott and Patrick are joined by comedian KP Burke, author of the book "History Isn't Boring, Your Teacher Was", to discuss the enigmatic life and exploits of Nazi spy Otto Skorzeny, who can comfortably be described as "the Forrest Gump of German Special Operations" From his daring rescue of Mussolini from the Italian Military to supposedly assassinating fellow Germans in Egypt for the Mossad, how much of his story is fact and how much is just lore?
How can I set my default search engine to NetanYahoo?
The Soviet trucks with the rockets were called “Stalins Organ” lol. Not “Stalins Typewriter”. 😆.
you’re right. Stalin’s typewriter was the DP-28 Submachine gun. You can see why i mixed them up though.
Oh never heard of stalins typewriter 😆. Drones should be called “Putins Blowdryer”.